Our Team
The Instructors at the Hong Kong Wilderness Training Centre come from all walks of life; each one has his or her own unique interests, and carries his or her own unique values. But there are two things that we all have in common at the HKWTC:
Number one, for his or her own individual reasons, we have all fallen in love with the activities and lives of the wilderness; And secondly, we all believe that, no matter what activities, being in the wilderness doesn’t necessarily require the taking of blind risks – through professional training, we believe one could learn to evaluate and mitigate the risks associated with outdoor activities.
We are all happy to share, professionally and humbly, with every single student coming to our classes, the techniques and knowledge that we have acquired through our own experiences. If, for some reasons, you have also fallen for the wild; and if you find our philosophy agreeable, you are more than welcome to join our team!
Program and Training Director, the Hong Kong Wilderness Training Centre
Head of the Award Operating Authority (AOA), the Hong Kong Award for Young People (HKAYP) (2008-2010) Instructor, Expedition Section, the Hong Kong Police Operating Authority, HKAYP (2003-2011)
Instructor, Award Operating Authority (AOA), HKAYP (2008-2012)
Level I Mountain Craft Instructor, China Hong Kong Mountaineering and Climbing Union (HKMU)
Level I Rope Technique Craft Instructor, HKMU
Level III Rope Technique Certificate, HKMU
Level II Rock Climbing Certificate, HKMU
Level II Sport Climbing Certificate, HKMU
Level I Ice Climbing Certificate, HKMU
Hong Kong Rope Rescue Association Level 3 Instructor (HKRRA-0001)
International Technical Rescue Association Level 3 Coach and Assessor (#14194) ( First in Asian)
CMC Rescue School Instructor ( First in Asian)
CTOMS TRACE SYSTEMS Coach ( First in Asian)
Sports General Theory Certificate, Hong Kong Sports Institute
Leave No Trace Instructor, Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics Eco-tour
Certificate, Hong Kong Ecotourism & Travels Professional Training Centre
Level I Instructor, Hong Kong Rope Union (HKRU)
Rope Rescuer (Individual) Certificate, HKRU
Basic-level Rope Technique Operator Certificate (Single Rope), Ascent international Rope Access Service
Advanced-level Rope Technique Operator Certificate (Double Rope), Ascent international Rope Access Service
Level II Safety Training for Rope Operation at Heights Certificatre, Taipei City Labor Inspection Office
Basic Technical Rescue Tripod Setting Certificate, Safety Access & Rescue, Australia
TRACE SYSTEM Certificate, Safety Access & Rescue, Australia
Level II Double Rope Technician, Society of Professional Rope Access Technicians, USA
High Angle First Aid Operator Certificate, Accident and Emergency Training Centre,
Hospital Authority Wilderness First Aid Certificate, Accident and Emergency Training Centre,
Hospital Authority Adult First Aid Certificate, Hong Kong St. John Ambulance
Pre-hospital Trauma Life Support Certificate, Hong Kong St. John Ambulance
Automated External Defibrillator Certificate, Hong Kong St. John Ambulance
Heart Saver, Hong Kong Fire Services Department
Level III Certificate, Hong Kong Canyoning Association
Level II (Technical) ASPIRANT Canyon Leader, American Canyoneering Academy